tiny topaz words shimmering copper upon an amethyst sea

Archive for March, 2008

haiku: injustice


faith and justice live
side by side but faith will die
if injustice reigns

haiku: blind man


blind man sees what I don’t with
his ears, hands, and heart

haiku: bowl of soup


a nourishing sip
eternity sits in a
small bowl of hot soup

[Photograph courtesy GBI]

haiku: poverty


dilemma of hope
the outstretched hands of the poor
impose a choice

[Photograph courtesy GBI]

haiku: an empty tomb

life’s ultimate joy
bestowed on those who weep
at an empty tomb

haiku: ancient wounds


ancient wounds still flow:
raindrops fall clear and cool, I
lap water and blood

haiku: austerity


austerity has
a singular beauty set
apart and divine

haiku: a child shall lead them


“The Prince of Peace” by Akiane at age eight 

Akiane’s muse
is wisdom beyond her years
her gifts point to God

haiku: spring


winter’s spell broken
when the cold barren branch bursts
pink life from the dead

haiku: bittersweet


life is bittersweet
both the bitter and the sweet
deeper than I dreamed

haiku: the foundations of life


through this pain I set
rubies in your windows, pearls
in your foundations

haiku: white blossom


dead branch bursts open
with life: white blossom declares
death could not triumph

haiku: body piercing


distinction is the
gift of achievement or the
piercing on a lip

haiku: piano trill


life’s piano trill
graceful and melodic notes
not superfluous

haiku: mystery


mystery so deep
how my heart is enlarged in
this narrow dark place

haiku: your smile


Crystallized moment
distantly your smile tingled
on my fingertips.

haiku: unjustly fallen


I say kaddish for
the fallen, the dead, warm oil
pours over my heart

haiku: reduced


faceless and nameless
life’s human sea reduced to
two eyes and one smile


haiku: disctinction


distinction comes in
two ways: hardship or needles
that carve a tattoo

haiku: my heart


I have two hearts: one
of tin for daily use and
one of rare china

haiku: your smile


your smile broke the dawn
rose and gold shone on my face
colors I still taste

haiku: the common


common moments stored
a treasure chest prepared for
leaner days ahead

haiku: to hope

such sweet suffering
to hope, as close as a kiss
as far as a star

haiku: sustenance



russian babushka
home from the market, flowers
and bread to sustain